Modeling Proxima Centauri b with ReflectX and Picaso/Virga

Can we distinguish Proxima Centauri b atmosphere cases with ELTs like GMT/GMagAO-X?

Known Prox Cen/ Prox Cen b parameters:




semi-major axis

0.048 au

Faria et al. 2022


11.19 d

Faria et al. 2022



Faria et al. 2022


1.07 Mearth

Faria et al. 2022

equil. temp.

230 K

Anglada-Escude et al. 2016

Star Teff

3000 K

Approx value from several refs

Star radius

0.14 Rsun

Faria et al. 2022

Star SpT


Faria et al. 2022

Star log(Luminosity)

-2.8 +0.1/-0.2

Faria et al. 2022


5.2 cm s^-2

Faria et al. 2022


0.21 dex

Schlaufman and Laughlin 2012


1.30119 +0.00034/-0.00035 pc

Since Prox Cen b is an RV detected planet, the orbital inclination is unconstrained. The value of orbital inclination will affect the true mass of the planet, and consequently the radius, and also the phase angle as a function of orbit phase.

_images/Phase-vs-orbit-phase.png _images/Phase-vs-incl-for-four-incs.png

The figure on the left shows the observer’s phase angle as a function of orbital phase (expressed in degrees, where 0 degrees is the inferior conjunction and 360 degrees is one complete orbit) as a function of five values of orbital inclinations.

Each inclination will correspond to a different true mass of the planet and thus different radius. We computed mass/radius for a range of inclinations. To estimate radius we used an emperical mass-radius relation.

Incl (deg)

Mass (Mearth)

Radius (Rearth)






















Placing these four Mass/Radii on a density plot:


The four above estimated mass/radii are plotted as the black triangles. The solid curves represent theoretical density curves from Zeng & Sasselov 2013 (downloaded from Harvard CfA) for airless planets of varying compositions: pure iron (100% Fe), Earth-like rocky (32.5% Fe, 67.5% MgSiO3), pure rock (100% MgSiO3), pure water (100% H2O), and 50% H2O 50% Earth-like rocky core. The red dashed lines show models of an Earth-like rocky planet with varying percent H2 envelope by mass. We see that the three least massive planets fall nicely on the Earth-like density line, while the most massive is consistent with an Earth-like planet with a 1% H2 envelope. We did not estimate uncertainties on the Prox Cen b densnity estimates, so this analysis is used as a rough estimate of what is likely to be found on this planet.

The figure below shows the Prox Cen b orbit in the sky plane, with the colormap showing viewing phases, as a function of inclination for four inclinations spanning the above table. The thick black markers show inferior (diamond) and superior (circle) conjunction; black X’s mark the phase sampling for the model suite. The solid grey circles mark the size of 1:math:lambda/D for MagAO-X (diameter = 6.5m; larger circle) and for GMagAO-X (diameter = 25.4m; smaller circle) at 800 nm. The dotted grey lines mark the size of \(\lambda\)/D for each. The bottom figure shows the same in separation as a function of time (parameterized as orbital mean anomaly).

_images/ProxCenb-Model-phase-sampling.png _images/ProxCenb-Model-phase-sampling-planeofskySepvsTime.png

No Atmosphere Models

The first case is an airless rocky planet. In this case, we will simply observe the star’s spectrum reflecting from the surface, with a planet-star contrast determined by the albedo as a function of wavelength for the planet’s surface composition.


We used the wavelength-dependent albedos as a function of surface type for airless rocky planets from Hu et al. 2012 (excluding surfaces unlikely to exist at these temperatures). The plot below shows the relevant surface-type contrast curves for a planet with inclination = 60 deg and viewed at quadrature (phase = 90 deg), with broadband filters \(g^\prime\), \(r^\prime\), \(i^\prime\), \(z^\prime\), \(J\), and \(H\) shown below.


The metal-rich and ice-rich surfaces show the most variation across the observing bands, and will be distinguishable from the rest in color-color space. The filter combinations with the highest distinguishing power involve comparisons between optical and NIR bands. Below shows each surface type in \(J - H\) vs \(i^\prime - H\) color, in which metal-rich and ice-rich are separated from the rest by over half a magnitude.


A color-magnitude diagram provides even more distinguishing power. Below is shown an \(H - i^\prime\) vs \(z^\prime\) contrast CMD in which metal-rich is separated from clay/feldspathic/granitoid by 2 magnitudes, and the rest by over half a magnitude. Clay/feldspathic/granitoid would likely not be distinguishable in CMD or color-color space.


Earth Atmosphere Models

Venus Atmosphere Models